What it's all about

What it's all about
7 Boys coming to accept Christ as their Savior :D

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

The One About Chinngis Khan and the Spoon

This is one of those devotionals Dad comes up with that changes the mindset of children into something extraordinary. Dad was teaching on the value of the individual, how each of the children were made special and uniquely by God to be used there in Mongolia. He was pretty stuck on how to best portray value to them, these third-world country village kids. When asked about what they thought was most valuable they'd say a car, house, or a horse. An airplane was mentioned also. Well Dad grabbed an ordinary spoon from the kitchen, and asked if it had value. Not many children responded in general so they were all a bit indifferent to the question. Then he asked "What if I told you Chinngis Khan used it?" The swelling uproar of "oooOOOOOHHH!" filled the dining area. I just thought it was pretty cool to really see what makes Mongolian kids excited. I'm pretty sure most American kids wouldn't stand united to one hero of their nation. They might be more close to interested if Harry Potter used the spoon, or Justin Bieber, or Hannah Montana, or *insert some other pop culture icon I've never heard of here*. I think I'd be impressed if Willie Nelson or Jack Black or Jane Austen had used the spoon. I know its a weird mix, but that's how I roll. Anyways, kudos to my father who can make even children from the far corners of the earth never look at a spoon the same again.

And concerning pictures, I probably won't get anymore updated to facebook until we get back.


Sunday, June 27, 2010

Learning how to be a floater - Up to date - The end of week 2 of camp

The end of the second week of camp is over and was very exciting. The kids that came were from the surrounding village of Khongor. The first day 21 came, then next 27 came, and the last day there were 26 so bear with us on the statistics, but by the end of the week, out of the 26 kids there Wednesday and knowing only one girl came already as a believer, the other 25 had accepted Christ that week. I have never experienced a 100% salvation rate at camp before. It was less likely that I would ever have a single kid in my cabin become a Christian in 6 24-hour days much less 3 9-hour days. God is seriously moving in this community. Keep praying that this tool could be used to reach the entire country. Each of the kids that left made the 5-beaded salvation bracelets. They were each trained and practiced with each other explaining the meaning of each bead's color to signify the Good News of God's love for the world and the hope He gives. It's so cool to look around the village and see the bracelets on so many of the children. 6 came to church today, which I thought was pretty cool considering usually only Jerry's kids attend the church there. Baagi has already spoken of the importance of keeping up with these new believers and training them to be disciples for Christ in Mongolia.

With all that God did this week, it really makes me think of what I really wanted before Mongolia came into the picture. I had wanted to work at T Bar M since I was a camper myself. I got to work as a coach the past 2 summers in the first half sessions, and as I said before I think only 2 or 3 girls in my total number of campers under my cabin accepted Christ that week of camp. I know its only God who softens hearts, but I wanted to be used by Him completely to my greatest ability. Along with that, I had always wanted to be on the leadership team. It is not a team I can just sign up for, the staff has to invite you on. I sort of held on to the hope that I might get asked on this summer, but as plans for Mongolia grew to overcome my whole summer, I had to let go of that desire or even to be a coach at all. As I also mentioned in previous blogs, as the summer grew closer I had some regretful thoughts about not going to camp this year. At camp my job is clear, set before me, and I work hard to get it done properly. Here in Mongolia however, I have no specific job. The T Bar M crew set to train the coaches and I helped here and there, not really being officially apart of their team, but still included. Then as the second week began, I was even more of a floater than before. I didn't like it to be frank. I wanted a job. I wanted to know exactly what I was to do and what was wanted of my part. Still, I was a floater, with no particular goal than to help. Sometimes its hard to ask if coaches need help when they don't speak as good English as others, and my Mongolian being so limited.

I stayed available to Baagi and the coaches still since I didn't want to be a lazy lump on a log. He asked me to do some of the same little set ups as the T Bar M crew did for them the first week, like setting up theme decorations in the dining area, keeping an inventory and account of the various sports equipment, and helping provide supplies for WOG and MAC. I realized about the second day of the second week that my bashin (cabin) looks like...the ship shack. For those not familiar with T Bar M, this is the name for the area in which leadership team members come to meet, plan, organize, and also store the mass amounts of things they need to make camp run. Its so funny to me. For all the inner turmoil I held for having to be a floater, I'm starting to realize, God seems to have put me in a sort of leadership team role. Boogi and Mark are the two Mustangs who are actually the leadership team here, but its so interesting to me. What I called floating, God mirrors to me as leading the way I would have loved to have done back at sports camp. I don't need the title. I just needed to stay available. God is so mysterious and good. He had called me to this great country to do something I love to do back in Texas. It's just too cool.

This next week will be probably the last real week of doing camp for us. By Wednesday, the medical team from Plymouth Park Baptist Church will be here and ready to take a full week of traveling to different villages and setting up a daily health clinic. This will take up a lot of the labor force that Jerry provides, including the Mustangs and us. The week after that is the Mongolian holiday known as Nadaam. It's a week long celebration filled with games and cultural history. Jerry is giving most his staff the whole week off so he needs the Americans to help with his kids. then after that week, we'll only be here until July 21. The Mongolian team will carry out a few more camps again in August, but we will have flown back to the States by then obviously. I brought that to Baagi's attention today and he was a bit surprised. He told us that we needed to make clones of ourselves so that we could stay in Mongolia. I encouraged him and the team to just understand that this camp is theirs, for Mongolians, not Americans. I knew that they could do it. Pray for them as they organize more and more on their own, and to trust in the Lord to provide what they need that their efforts may bring a much bigger impact on reaching the children in their country for Christ.


Father's Day Weekend

Father's Day began earlier for us than you back in the States so I figured I'd cal this a weekend event. Sunday morning when we went to the church service. Their Boogie taught on Ephesians 6:1-3 and at the end gave applause to Jerry as being the adoptive father to all the kids there. Also, several acts were performed where Luke sang, a few of the Zoo Boys did a song and dance, and two girls along with Soso did a line dance I quickly had taught them the day before. That same day, Rose asked me for the names of all American guys. I was a little confused and asked continually, "Really? Just the guys? All the guys?" So with that information I provided, every male present who was American got a card full of notes and gifts for Father's Day. Drew and Levi are not actually fathers, but they got to enjoy their first celebrated father's day in Mongolia.

After church, we drove out to a friend of Chimgee's who raises camels for milking. We enjoyed petting the camels, even getting to ride one (2-humped style) and a horse. We even got to play with his three little girls there who had probably never seen so many pale faces in their lives in one place much less their ger. We came home to have a real and normal Mongolian BBQ. Not like the wacky and crazy one's we have in Katy. It was so delicious. With goat and potatoes and carrots and animal crackers and cokes. I loved it. Afterwards, we dressed up in deels (pronounced 'dells') and had our own little Mongolian fashion show with silly Americans included. Each of the T Bar Mers were given a hardig, a peace of cloth to represent whatever Jerry had was theirs as a sign of friendship. Then we got prepared for a special treat. We were going on a nighttime passenger train with the Mustang Boys into Ulaan Batar to hang out before the T Bar Mer's had to fly out. It was an awesome experience.

We left at 12:40 AM and got there at 6:10 AM. Not much sleeping was done, but the excitement kept me rolling on adrenaline. We went to a breakfast buffet at the UB Hotel, and from there toured the Thousand Steps Memorial set to honor the soldiers who died in World War 2, the alliance with Russia, and where the eternal flame of communism use to burn...so much for an eternity of communism. From there, Erin had to leave for the airport so she could fly to a friend's wedding in Greece. After which, a few hours of souvenir shopping was done at several shops. We visited the UB Natural History Museum which I thought was so cool. They had a whole room of pressed and mounted plants. I turned to Baagi and said, "This is what I study." He then sat down jokingly and said, "Ok then, now you teach me. What do you know about these plants?" Oh Baagi, what a kidder. From there, we went to my favorite restaurant in Mongolia for lunch, the American "BD's Mongolian BBQ". After that we decided to brave the Black Market of UB so the Mustang's could buy clothes for themselves. I was accompanied by Roma and Mark along with the Missions associate from Kingsland Baptist Church, John. I carried nothing with me and kept my fists clenched. If anyone knows me well its that I don't like to be touched unless I know you well and you have my permission. But it was successful, and no one harassed me. The Mustangs are a good crew and really make sure I feel safe. After that, we visited the Sukhbaatar Square where Chinggis Khan's statue sits along with the hero of the Mongolian revolution from China, Sukhbaatar, which means 'axe hero' and also who Suki is named after. Then the T Bar Mers hopped one van to the airport to fly off and the rest of us drove on home. I would go into details of the drive home but I have already placed them in the purpose;y forgetful file cabinet in my brain. All I can say is it was scarier driving than normal and as it got darker, the driver got faster. Anyways, you know it turned out safe because I lived to blog about it. All in all it was a good Father's Day and day after Father's Day. I would gloat about having the best Father's Day card amongst my siblings since I was the only one who had a card and the others just e-mailed, but I'll refrain. I shall discipline myself to practice grace.


Training Week

Training Week began just as the team sent from T Bar M drove into the gates. Drew Eubank was the leader of the four, being on staff as the director of missions. Levi Johnston, Amy Wately, and Erin Dubose came along as seasoned veterans to the motions of camp. They were all once coaches, on leadership team, and on Timothy Team at one point. Currently, they are all in teaching positions giving them the time off this summer to help us. I was an All Star at Sports Camp while Levi was a coach, and I was in my first year of being a coach while Amy was on leadership team. I had never met Erin before, but she certainly fit well into the picture as they set out to reach the goal of creating a Christian sports camp here in Khongor on the Life Qwest property.

I had began to regret not going to work at camp this summer like I had the past two years right at the end of the school year. But wouldn't you know it, the moment we started training the Mongolian coaches (including 8 Mustang Boys, 3 girls from the church in Darkhan, and Jerry's currently oldest girl, Rose), I felt as if God had really brought the camp feeling to me. Even in the place where He had specifically called me. It was such a comfort. All the sessions of training were quite similar to those which I have sat through in the past years in New Braunfels. The four most important aspects of camp was one of the first lessons being 1) Relationships, 2) Service, 3) Safety!!!, and 4) FUN!!!!!!! Each of these aspects had to be practiced in ever event ever planned and executed during the camp's schedule.
One interesting obstacle we ran into was the translation of campism into the Mongol language. One thing to note is that, Mongol sounds like a mix of Russian and Korean; it is not easily learned. Some phrases were just accepted into their meaning such as FUAGNEM, which is an acronym for being Fired Up And Going Nuts Every Minute. Those which were changed are as followed:
1) Batter's Box - Nigendawa (the morning Bible study, Nigendawa stood for the first round of wrestling, similar to what we mean in Batter's Box being the beginning place of every play in baseball).

2) MAC - Bic-h (boy's meeting time, Men After Christ, translated into Mongolian acronym sounds, insert flem at the end)

I can't think of anything else that was changed from the cookie cutter of T Bar M style. We did want them to be able to take camp as their own. We encouraged them to create their own campisms and acronyms and names for things which apply to their camp and country.
Speaking of translations, pray for some of our translators. We have a few who go to class with some of the Mustang Boys. Bazo, his girl friend Shanae, Toome, and her sister (also Toome) but also called Julia. Bazo mainly translates for Mom and Dad, the Toome's spend their time translating in the kitchen and with Kari, another teacher who has come for many past summers here. I worked with Shanae a lot during camp and training week. After the first day, she had translated a lot of Bible verses and encouragments to the coaches for me. I asked her then if she understood what she was translating. She explained to me that she had no religious beliefs but thinks that all people should do good things and be tolerate of what is for the good of others. Luckily she spoke and read English very well (she's a translator, duh!) so I looked up John 14:6 for her to read herself. I told her more about how the Bible says that Jesus is the only Way and Truth. I told her I'd be here if she ever had any questions of anything she translated for us. Bazo was also not a believer but as he spoke with Dad and Mom, he asked if he could have an English Bible and a Mongolian Bible. His brother is also a shaman, which makes any other religions hard to accept since shamanism is deep in their Buddist culture. He's been reading both of the Bibles though and Dad questions him every time he's sees him about what he read. Toome (the former) asked me about the 5 colored beaded bracelet that all the coaches wore and what it symbolized. So I got to share her the gospel through it, but she hasn't askd me anything since. Pray for their salvation. I told Shanae that I didn't think it was an accident that God put her here to translate.
Some amazing successes that occurred this week was when the Mustang Boys and Baagi, the camp director, put their heads together to get the rope to the top pulley of the rusty, already bending flag pole. Flag is the first scheduled event of camp so they thought it was very important. They began with Igor climbing the pole military style, until he reached the middle and the pole began to wave him in the wind. We told them it wasn't a big deal, they could just hold the flag. They did that for the first 2 days, but then Baagi said that they really wanted their country's flag to fly for all the country to see where camp is. So Drew gives them the idea of a human ladder where two guys squat at the base, two more guys squat on those below them on their shoulders and one guy on the top two men. As they extend their legs, still the top man was only half way up and as he leaned on the pole, it began to bend more. Amy, Erin, and I have about soiled ourselves with what was coming next. They ran and rolled up the 10 ft. portable basketball goal up to the pole and tied two ropes extended to pulled to hold the pole steady. Then Boogie, the Mustang who had just graduated from Bible School stood on the goal hoop, while Suki, who recently graduated from Medical school, got on his shoulders so he can climb up three pulls to weave the rope through the pulley. It seemed backwards for me to send up the Medical graduate the highest so if he were to be blown off the pole to the ground, who could help put him together again? But God was so good. It was successfully accomplished and all the Americans were in awe of the strength and engineering of these young men.
One struggle found among the coaches however were the girls. The 3 from Darkhan were all 15, and Rose is 17. The age alone was a little shaky to start, but it took a while to teach them some simple camp mentality. Things like not just walking away from an activity without a word of explanation, take apart in what the team was trying to accomplish, and giving their opinion. By the end of the week however, they began to understand the reality of their job. Rose, who has always been a little quiet has begun to open up, and Gabby has definitely led the way of creating the dramas for each team meeting at the end of the camp day. Crystal is becoming a great helper and servant. Pray for all of them, but also pray especially for Luna. She still has trouble understanding that she needs to always find ways to interact with her kids and others. Most of the time she seems to act like the campers more than the coaches, in the not so selfless way. She gets better with each week, but that is still a struggle for us. Our boys have always been great, ready to serve, and always pointing back to God. I would love to see the girls at that same level. They are working on it, and some of us are there to watch and correct with love.
All in all the bulk of Training Week went very successfully. Drew said he had never left a new set up on the first trip and felt so confident as he did with this team. Pray for this to be a dangerous tool for the expansion of Christ's Kingdom.


Thursday, June 24, 2010

12 Kids Come to Christ!!!!

Howdy everyone! So much has happened in the past weeks, but it all seems bland compared to today. This was the second day of the second week of camp. Today the gospel was given multiple times. I even got to give my testimony at the WOG (women of God) time. At the end of the day, 5 girls and 7 boys out of the 27 from the surrounding village made a decision to recieve Christ. It was incredible. As Jerry puts it, we are seriously dangerous with this camp. The past weeks' stories will be updated someday, but don't worry.  I'm keeping my journal everyday so I won't forget the important things. Pictures are piling up so it will be a process to get them all in. It may be when I get back in the states before they all get accessible. Keep praying for us. A lot is happening in Mongolia.

Sunday, June 6, 2010

The First Few Days, and with a bit of free time

I don't intend to be posting absolutely every day, but with the T Bar Mers not here yet and my jet lag still running on, I was free to do so this morning. Yesterday, the Zoo Boys (or Young Boys group) were moved into the finished domes. With that event, all of Jerry's kids were moved into Hongor officially. All of the kids are so excited to have so much area to play in. The basketball goal is a favorite toy for all of them.

Jerry told us that he would like to have wild iris that are growing around the pastures to be transplanted for landscaping the domes and around the campus. He didn't want any taken off this side of the river so we had to cross the to the other side. When I say we, I mean Dad because if me and Mom had a choice we'd rather not go into the cold water. So we watched him cross, fill buckets with the plants and carry them across. We did carry them back up the hill so we made ourselves somewhat useful. I also have spent a good part of time just ebing with the kids. It reminds me so much of the great parts of being a coach at T Bar M, getting to know them, what music they like, teaching them songs and dances I know and learning from them. Yesterday we sat in the kitchen and they started to tell me how to say common Mongolian phrases like, "How are you?" and "What's your name?" All that jazz. It was a blast. Pictures are posted on facebook.(link:http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=2028320&id=1531711013&l=63c85c82b0) It was the last full day for Daisy to be on the campus. We came into town today and watched the process that Boggie and Norjin have to go through to return her to her relative. It was hard to watch her be so sad to leave. Pray for her and the rest of the kids who are being arrange to go back to their relatives.

The days have been quite chilly, coming into the 40s now. They told us they were in the 90s before we arrived but it's hard to believe. It's cold and drizzly now. Tomorrow the T Bar M Trainers come into Hongor. Pray that they land safely in this crazy weather. I'll try to think of more witty things to say. I got a lot of siblings blogs to compare to.  :)

Friday, June 4, 2010

We are here!

After long hours in several planes, we finally made it here to Hongor. The last plane ride was the most thrilling of them all. We began to feel the plane start circling the single landing stand in the Chinngis Khan International Airport. The captain same on to tell us that high winds are keeping them from landing the plane safely. They would continue to try for 20 more minutes, and if they couldn't land, they would fly to Beijing...2 hours away...My mom's face was a bit priceless. I don't think I've prayed so hard for God to stop winds in my life. Reminded me of Luke 8 when Jesus calmed the wind and sea while the disciples were freaking out. Eventually, we were able to land and the pilot received his grateful applause. After spending the night in the Tokyo Hotel in Ulan Baater, Chimgee provided for us and escorted us through our 4 hour drive to Hongor. We are all safe and healthy, just enjoying getting to have a transition period for sleeping and talking with Jerry and Susan.

We got to see the goat barn set up for us, and the pet goat they have kept tied up near it. Pictures will come soon. Internet connections the past few days have been very sparse and infrequent. Such is the functioning of most things Americans might think they need constantly. I'm sort of glad to have a chance to get away from most the "get up and go now" thinking as I do during the school year.

On Monday, the T Bar M group will be here to start training us and the Mustang Boys on how to run a sports camp. I'm so excited myself after feeling down about not being at T Bar M this summer to be a coach. Thanks to Drew Eubank and the 3 others to come (right now I only know that Amy Watley is coming, and old leadership team member during my first year of coaching).

The kids are being moved out from the city life of Darkhan into the country here in Hongor. Along with that we also received news about the government passing a new policy that requires all children who have living relatives to be under their guardianship. This includes several of Jerry's kids. Since Romans 13 declares that we should obey the government over us, we will be down to 18 kids by the end of the summer, dropping form 64. On a positive side, we know God is working in His perfect plan. Having less kids to care for for housing and schooling, Jerry could feed 3 kids in a feeding kitchen for a month for the same price of caring for 1 child in his orphanage for a month. More kids can be reached this way. Still, I feel emotionally distraught for most of these kids will be returning to bad home lives. I really have to remind myself that God is in control because I love these kids. God used them to seal my heart for Mongolia. They loved me unconditionally and called me sister. It's just heartbreaking to know that most of these kids will be gone one by one throughout the summer while I'm here.

Again I hope to put pictures up soon. I wasn't expecting to get Internet this morning and the folks wanted a post up now. I hope to see what God has planned for us beyond what we have planned for ourselves.
