What it's all about

What it's all about
7 Boys coming to accept Christ as their Savior :D

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Father's Day Weekend

Father's Day began earlier for us than you back in the States so I figured I'd cal this a weekend event. Sunday morning when we went to the church service. Their Boogie taught on Ephesians 6:1-3 and at the end gave applause to Jerry as being the adoptive father to all the kids there. Also, several acts were performed where Luke sang, a few of the Zoo Boys did a song and dance, and two girls along with Soso did a line dance I quickly had taught them the day before. That same day, Rose asked me for the names of all American guys. I was a little confused and asked continually, "Really? Just the guys? All the guys?" So with that information I provided, every male present who was American got a card full of notes and gifts for Father's Day. Drew and Levi are not actually fathers, but they got to enjoy their first celebrated father's day in Mongolia.

After church, we drove out to a friend of Chimgee's who raises camels for milking. We enjoyed petting the camels, even getting to ride one (2-humped style) and a horse. We even got to play with his three little girls there who had probably never seen so many pale faces in their lives in one place much less their ger. We came home to have a real and normal Mongolian BBQ. Not like the wacky and crazy one's we have in Katy. It was so delicious. With goat and potatoes and carrots and animal crackers and cokes. I loved it. Afterwards, we dressed up in deels (pronounced 'dells') and had our own little Mongolian fashion show with silly Americans included. Each of the T Bar Mers were given a hardig, a peace of cloth to represent whatever Jerry had was theirs as a sign of friendship. Then we got prepared for a special treat. We were going on a nighttime passenger train with the Mustang Boys into Ulaan Batar to hang out before the T Bar Mer's had to fly out. It was an awesome experience.

We left at 12:40 AM and got there at 6:10 AM. Not much sleeping was done, but the excitement kept me rolling on adrenaline. We went to a breakfast buffet at the UB Hotel, and from there toured the Thousand Steps Memorial set to honor the soldiers who died in World War 2, the alliance with Russia, and where the eternal flame of communism use to burn...so much for an eternity of communism. From there, Erin had to leave for the airport so she could fly to a friend's wedding in Greece. After which, a few hours of souvenir shopping was done at several shops. We visited the UB Natural History Museum which I thought was so cool. They had a whole room of pressed and mounted plants. I turned to Baagi and said, "This is what I study." He then sat down jokingly and said, "Ok then, now you teach me. What do you know about these plants?" Oh Baagi, what a kidder. From there, we went to my favorite restaurant in Mongolia for lunch, the American "BD's Mongolian BBQ". After that we decided to brave the Black Market of UB so the Mustang's could buy clothes for themselves. I was accompanied by Roma and Mark along with the Missions associate from Kingsland Baptist Church, John. I carried nothing with me and kept my fists clenched. If anyone knows me well its that I don't like to be touched unless I know you well and you have my permission. But it was successful, and no one harassed me. The Mustangs are a good crew and really make sure I feel safe. After that, we visited the Sukhbaatar Square where Chinggis Khan's statue sits along with the hero of the Mongolian revolution from China, Sukhbaatar, which means 'axe hero' and also who Suki is named after. Then the T Bar Mers hopped one van to the airport to fly off and the rest of us drove on home. I would go into details of the drive home but I have already placed them in the purpose;y forgetful file cabinet in my brain. All I can say is it was scarier driving than normal and as it got darker, the driver got faster. Anyways, you know it turned out safe because I lived to blog about it. All in all it was a good Father's Day and day after Father's Day. I would gloat about having the best Father's Day card amongst my siblings since I was the only one who had a card and the others just e-mailed, but I'll refrain. I shall discipline myself to practice grace.


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