What it's all about

What it's all about
7 Boys coming to accept Christ as their Savior :D

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

The One About Chinngis Khan and the Spoon

This is one of those devotionals Dad comes up with that changes the mindset of children into something extraordinary. Dad was teaching on the value of the individual, how each of the children were made special and uniquely by God to be used there in Mongolia. He was pretty stuck on how to best portray value to them, these third-world country village kids. When asked about what they thought was most valuable they'd say a car, house, or a horse. An airplane was mentioned also. Well Dad grabbed an ordinary spoon from the kitchen, and asked if it had value. Not many children responded in general so they were all a bit indifferent to the question. Then he asked "What if I told you Chinngis Khan used it?" The swelling uproar of "oooOOOOOHHH!" filled the dining area. I just thought it was pretty cool to really see what makes Mongolian kids excited. I'm pretty sure most American kids wouldn't stand united to one hero of their nation. They might be more close to interested if Harry Potter used the spoon, or Justin Bieber, or Hannah Montana, or *insert some other pop culture icon I've never heard of here*. I think I'd be impressed if Willie Nelson or Jack Black or Jane Austen had used the spoon. I know its a weird mix, but that's how I roll. Anyways, kudos to my father who can make even children from the far corners of the earth never look at a spoon the same again.

And concerning pictures, I probably won't get anymore updated to facebook until we get back.


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