What it's all about

What it's all about
7 Boys coming to accept Christ as their Savior :D

Sunday, June 6, 2010

The First Few Days, and with a bit of free time

I don't intend to be posting absolutely every day, but with the T Bar Mers not here yet and my jet lag still running on, I was free to do so this morning. Yesterday, the Zoo Boys (or Young Boys group) were moved into the finished domes. With that event, all of Jerry's kids were moved into Hongor officially. All of the kids are so excited to have so much area to play in. The basketball goal is a favorite toy for all of them.

Jerry told us that he would like to have wild iris that are growing around the pastures to be transplanted for landscaping the domes and around the campus. He didn't want any taken off this side of the river so we had to cross the to the other side. When I say we, I mean Dad because if me and Mom had a choice we'd rather not go into the cold water. So we watched him cross, fill buckets with the plants and carry them across. We did carry them back up the hill so we made ourselves somewhat useful. I also have spent a good part of time just ebing with the kids. It reminds me so much of the great parts of being a coach at T Bar M, getting to know them, what music they like, teaching them songs and dances I know and learning from them. Yesterday we sat in the kitchen and they started to tell me how to say common Mongolian phrases like, "How are you?" and "What's your name?" All that jazz. It was a blast. Pictures are posted on facebook.(link:http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=2028320&id=1531711013&l=63c85c82b0) It was the last full day for Daisy to be on the campus. We came into town today and watched the process that Boggie and Norjin have to go through to return her to her relative. It was hard to watch her be so sad to leave. Pray for her and the rest of the kids who are being arrange to go back to their relatives.

The days have been quite chilly, coming into the 40s now. They told us they were in the 90s before we arrived but it's hard to believe. It's cold and drizzly now. Tomorrow the T Bar M Trainers come into Hongor. Pray that they land safely in this crazy weather. I'll try to think of more witty things to say. I got a lot of siblings blogs to compare to.  :)

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