What it's all about

What it's all about
7 Boys coming to accept Christ as their Savior :D

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Some Final Thoughts from Debi

     Now that we are down to our last week in Mongolia, I guess I will weigh in with my take on our time here.  Proverbs 16:9 says "A man's heart plans his way, but the Lord directs his steps."  I adopted this as a sort of "focus verse" for the trip this summer.  Past experience and human wisdom (whatever that is worth) confirm that the truth of this verse holds for any endeavor; but it seems especially true when you add in the "Mongolian Factor".
     Some of our experience went way beyond the goals we set.  I believe the coaches' training week and the 3 weeks of camp that followed were tremendously successful.  Many of the Mongolian coaches and leaders seem to have personally "caught" the vision of living sacrificially and loving kids in order to present Christ to them in a camp environment.  Our prayer is that the seeds sown will be watered and fruit will be produced.  Seeing some of those kids here at church on Sundays, when they were not there before Camp, gives me hope.
    "Camp on the Road"  as we followed the medical team was a spontaneous, unplanned program that spread the gospel all over the region.  Some of these villages have churches and some have never heard the gospel before.  We can only pray that God will use the gospel bracelets and His Word that were left in those places to bring people to Himself.
     The tennis courts that we had hoped to complete in Khongor never materialized - victim of the air freight embargo and shortage of funds.  However, we were able to be present at the grand opening of the Darkhan courts ant the first ever tournament held there.  We were able to teach several clinics there and forge relationships with people that might never see us at the Khongor campus.    
     The embargo prevented any of the goat milking supplies from arriving while I am here.  The barn project was completed and it pleases me to say that I believe that it is functional, well-designed, and well constructed.  Unfortunately, I won't be here for the purchasing of any goats or sheep - if, indeed, any are purchased this year.  Caitlin and I had hoped to obtain soil samples for testing at A&M; but that will have to wait due to lack of transportation and translation support.
     Our involvement with the children in LifeQwest's care has been far more intense than before and we have grown much closer to them.  Caitlin and I continue to sense a particular burden for the girls and God has provided a closer contact with them than ever.  The result is a clearer picture of how to help and minister to them.  Pray for us as we look for ways to follow through.
     Ultimately, the current issues facing the ministry here may determine, more than anything else, the future of LifeQwest and the spread of Christianity itself in Mongolia.  Opposition to the message of Christ continues to grow among political leaders.  Some of them are using this issue to promote themselves in government positions. It is there contention that Christianity is a "foreign" religion and UN-Mongolian.  By standing on this platform of nationalism and Mongolian identity, they present the message of Jesus - and anyone who preaches it - as a threat.  Less than a week ago, a figure form the Mongolian parliament appeared on TV accusing Christianity in general and LifeQwest staff in particular of political bribery and espionage.I can't share details here, but it all culminates in an attempt to force the LifeQwest ministry out of Mongolia as they recently have others.
     I believe that our time is short - not just here, but all over the world.  I love America with all my heart and I love being an American; but while we casually attend church and go take the family to lunch on Sundays, Christians all over the world pay dearly for what they believe.  Sudan, Morocco, Nigeria, India, China, Indonesia, and more legally deny Christians equal rights and protection afforded other citizens.  Whether they are ruled by democracies or despots, the world seems to be gathering in an effort to "put out the Light."
     I hope we have many more years to come here; but while our hearts plan our way, the Lord determines our steps.  Whatever happens, that is actually a good thing.  I've read the end of the Book, and He wins.

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